Drug and Controlled Substance Crimes

A drug crime is a criminal offense that involves a controlled substance, a substance that is regulated by the government. State and federal laws prohibit certain actions that involve controlled substances, including illegal narcotics as well as prescription drugs. This includes the possession, possession with the intent to distribute, sale or distribution, manufacturing or cultivating, and transportation of controlled substances or prescription drugs without lawful authority. Accordingly, a defendant accused of a drug crime in Pennsylvania may face state or federal criminal charges. Depending on the case, the defendant may face minimal penalties or a lengthy prison sentence if convicted.

Robbie M. Taylor can help if you are currently facing drug charges or are under investigation for any type of drug crime, including those involving marijuana. If this describes your situation, you may be at a serious risk of facing criminal penalties and a conviction that could change your lift. It is crucial to take immediate action and talk to a lawyer who can begin protecting your legal rights as soon as possible.